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Bryn Celli Ddu Chambered Tomb

Summer solstice celebrations at Bryn Celli Ddu passage tomb on Anglesey will not take place this year due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Cadw, the historic environment service for the Welsh Government, the organisation which manages the site on Anglesey, north-west Wales, has said the site will be closed to the public over the weekend of the 20–21 of June.

Announcing the cancellation on social media, Cadw said: “Due to the nature of the site at Bryn Celli Ddu, with its long and narrow passage, we’ve had to make the difficult decision to cancel this year’s summer solstice celebrations at the monument. Although we understand that many will be disappointed at this unavoidable decision, we really hope that everyone will be able to join the celebrations again in 2021. Please do not travel to Bryn Celli Ddu over the summer solstice weekend as the site will be closed.”

The organisers added that the decision was taken to cancel the event, which takes place on or around June 21, after consultation with the community, and the Anglesey Druid Order.

The Head of the Order, Kristopher Hughes said: “Due to the current situation, we support Cadw’s decision to cancel the summer solstice celebration at Bryn Celli Ddu. We will be celebrating in our own gardens this year”.