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Wellbeing and mental health are positively impacted through engaging with heritage, we feel better when we explore the historic places around us. 

Evidence also shows heritage boosts our sense of community and connectedness; when we feel we’re a part of something bigger we can make sense of our place in the world.

Heritage sites bring us together in a shared experience and are also often tranquil locations full of nature. Being present in these green spaces can help us decompress and escape the hyperactive speed of modern life. 

Whether you want to sit quietly and contemplate, walk, run, cycle or explore from home, allow yourself to connect with the wide and varied historic landscape of Wales through our heritage trails and itineraries.

Follow in the footsteps of famous artists and feel their inspiration at a great medieval abbey with our mindfulness itinerary; explore the riches of north-east Wales a collection of major mighty monuments waiting to be explore or head south and explore the historic places associated with the lords of the Southern March taking in the beauty of the Monnow Valley as you discover Grosmont, White and Skenfrith castles.

Cadw support Hapus, the national platform for wellbeing.