Environmental Licence Applications
We are consulted by Natural Resources Wales about applications for licences to carry out certain activities within the marine environment and to fell trees.
Marine Licence Applications
We are consulted by Natural Resources Wales about applications for a licence to carry out certain activities within the marine licensable area — including dredging, the deposit or removal of material or substance using a vehicle or vessel, and construction, alteration or improvement works.
For further information about marine licence application procedures, please visit the Natural Resources Wales website
We provide advice about the impact of proposals on the following historic assets :
- scheduled monuments and their settings
- registered historic parks and gardens
- listed buildings and their settings
- registered historic landscapes
- protected wrecks
- World Heritage Sites.
Tree Felling Licence Applications
We are consulted by Natural Resources Wales about applications to fell trees within the boundaries of scheduled monuments and registered historic parks and gardens.
For further information about felling licence applications, please visit the Natural Resources Wales website.