National developments
Developments of National Significance
A development of national significance (DNS) is a planning application for a large infrastructure project of national importance; for example, a wind farm, power station or reservoir. DNS applications are examined by a planning inspector, who makes a recommendation to the Welsh Minister. The Minister then decides whether or not to grant permission.
We provide The Planning Inspectorate with advice about the likely impact of proposed Developments of National Significance on:
- scheduled monuments and their settings
- listed buildings and their settings
- registered historic parks and gardens and their settings
- registered historic landscapes
- protected wrecks
- World Heritage Sites.
National Infrastructure Projects
We are consulted by the UK government on nationally significant energy and harbour development projects in Wales. These projects require a type of consent known as ‘development consent’; they are determined by the UK government following a public examination by The Planning Inspectorate.
We provide The Planning Inspectorate with advice about the likely impact of proposed national infrastructure projects on:
- scheduled monuments and their settings
- listed buildings and their settings
- registered historic parks and gardens and their settings
- registered historic landscapes
- protected wrecks
- World Heritage Sites.