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Castell Coch

Explore Wales’ gothic castle Castell Coch this autumn as a new immersive theatre show takes place ― with Mysterious Maud's Chambers of Fantastical Truth 

This autumn, between the 27 October and the 7 of November, Cadw’s gothic castle, Castell Coch will play host to an immersive theatre show ― with tickets for the live event available from today (7 October).

The immersive event will see Professor Anil Seth (author of Being You) appearing as a disembodied head in an immersive theatre production designed to prompt a deep questioning about the nature of reality.

Set in the extraordinary gothic Castell Coch, Mysterious Maud's Chambers of Fantastical Truth has been created by National Theatre Wales regular Caroline Sabin to be a gloriously entertaining romp of a show, that nevertheless contains some paradigm shifting science-based ideas.

Sabin has long been fascinated by the nuts and bolts of consciousness and was delighted when renowned neuro-scientist Professor Anil Seth agreed to appear as a disembodied head floating in a jar of formaldehyde, filmed, and created by Chris Crow.

Joining Professor Seth live, will be Gerald Tyler (Wrath of Man, The Lighthouse) as The Psychiatrist, Jon Gower (Welsh Novelist of the year 2012) as The Butler and an ensemble of internationally acclaimed young performers who will weave the tale of ‘Mad’ scientist Maud as she wrestles with her existential angst.

Award winning theatre maker Caroline Sabin, who is directing the show said: “We’re just thrilled to be able to present these ideas against this stunning backdrop. The way the audience will be able to move around the castle and discover magical, thought-provoking moments for themselves should create an unforgettable evening.”

“Having had to postpone the show for a year due to lockdown restrictions in 2020, we’re thrilled to finally be able to take to the stage.”

Inviting audiences to experience the strange world of Mysterious Maud, the show will be fully accessible with BSL interpretation by Julie Doyle on the 2 November 2021. Each show will the live streamed to an accessible ground floor room making the show accessible to wheelchair users.

Tickets for Mysterious Maud’s Chamber of Fantastical Truths, taking place between the 27 of October and the 7 of November, can be purchased here. The show starts at 7.30pm, with tickets cost £12.00 for adults, with concessions at £10.00. Performances are suitable for ages 12 years and over.

Deputy Minister for Arts and Sport, Dawn Bowden MS, said: “We are lucky in Wales to have so many brilliant venues to host arts productions, and I’m thrilled to see that Castell Coch will again be hosting innovative work of theatre.

“Theatre and arts productions offer audiences such unique experiences, and I’m confident the success of Mysterious Maud will encourage even more theatre and arts companies to consider staging their work here in Wales.”

Sabin’s work has a real following in Cardiff and the show is likely to sell out early. If you want to experience her blend of visually exquisite, heartfelt, funny and creepy theatre it’s probably a good idea to book your tickets early.

Mysterious Maud’s Chamber of Fantastical Truths has been made possible by funding from Welsh Government, Cadw and the Arts Council for Wales.