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Policy, advice and guidance

Planning Policy Wales

Planning Policy Wales

Planning Policy Wales sets out the Welsh Government’s land use planning policies. Its primary objective is to ensure that the planning system contributes towards the delivery of sustainable development and improves the social, economic, environmental and cultural well‑being of Wales, as required by the Planning (Wales) Act 2015, the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 and other key legislation.

Chapter 6, ‘Distinctive and Natural Places’, explains how planning system must take into account the Welsh Government’s objectives to protect, conserve, promote and enhance the historic environment as a resource for the general well-being of present and future generations. It also sets out the planning policies for the sustainable management of specific categories of historic assets.

Technical Advice Note 24: The Historic Environment

Technical Advice Note 24: The Historic Environment

This technical advice note provides guidance on how the planning system considers the historic environment during development plan preparation and decision making on planning and listed building consent applications. It also provides specific guidance on how the following historic assets should be considered:

  • scheduled monuments
  • archaeological remains
  • listed buildings
  • conservation areas
  • historic parks and gardens
  • historic landscapes
  • historic assets of special local interest
  • World Heritage Sites

The technical advice note usefully gathers together the selection criteria employed in the designation of scheduled monuments and listed buildings and the registration of historic parks and gardens and historic landscapes.

Best-practice guidance

We are in the process of amending Cadw’s guidance documents to reflect the Historic Environment (Wales) Act 2023 and its supporting regulations. In the meantime, the existing documents remain valid. 

Cadw has produced a series of best-practice guidance publications that complement the legislative framework and associated planning policy and advice and support the sustainable management of the Welsh historic environment. All are informed by Cadw’s Conservation Principles for the Sustainable Management of the Historic Environment in Wales. Some are aimed primarily at owners, while others are intended for local planning authorities, but all are accessibly written and freely available on the Cadw website.

Sixteen titles have been released so far:

Heritage Impact Assessment in Wales

Heritage Partnership Agreements in Wales

Historic Environment Records in Wales: Compilation and Use

Managing Change in World Heritage Sites in Wales

Managing Change to Historic Places of Worship in Wales

Managing Change to Listed Buildings in Wales

Managing Change to Registered Historic Parks and Gardens in Wales

Managing Conservation Areas in Wales

Managing Easy Access to Listed Buildings in Wales

Managing Historic Character in Wales

Managing Listed Buildings at Risk in Wales

Managing Lists of Historic Assets of Special Local Interest in Wales

Managing Scheduled Monuments in Wales

Managing the Marine Historic Environment of Wales

Setting of Historic Assets in Wales

Understanding Listing in Wales

Further best-practice guidance publications are in preparation.

Cadw also has a back catalogue of guidance publications, which can be accessed from the following web pages.

Scheduled Monuments - Best-practice guidance

Listed buildings - Best-practice guidance