Open Doors - Canolfan Heol Dwr, Carmarthen
Canolfan Heol Dŵr in Carmarthen is where the Reverend Peter Williams lived and started creating a Welsh Bible.
Canolfan Heol Dŵr will be open 2-4pm on Saturday, 23 September for tea and coffee. A chance to see Peter Williams’ Bible.
Also, on Sunday morning, 24 September, from 10am to 12pm, there will be a short service and an address by Eirug Davies on Canolfan Heol Dŵr’s connection to the Reverend Peter Williams.
Capel Heol Dŵr, Carmarthen SA31 1PZ
Turn left on Lammas Street and the chapel will be on the first left. There are large gates leading to the chapel and a Christian Aid banner on them.
No booking required.